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Francis BURTBiography |
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Born in London, 28 April 1926; resident in Vienna (Austria) since 1956, died on Oct. 3rd 2012 in Hartberg (Styria)
1943 St. Edward's School Oxford: Higher School Certificate (physics, chemistry,
1944-1948 army service, including short army course in engineering at the University
of Cambridge (1944-1945)
1946/1947 16 months as first lieutenant in Nigeria (Aba, Kaduna, Lagos)
1948-1951 Royal Academy of Music London: composition (Howard Ferguson)
1949-1951 annual Summer School of Music Bryanston resp. Dartington
1951-1954 Hochschule für Musik Berlin: composition (Boris Blacher)
1953 International summer courses for new music Darmstadt
Professional Activity
1973 appointed professor of composition at the Hochschule für
Musik Vienna; 1992 emeritus
1987 as vice-president of the ISCM (Austrian section) organised the first "Lange
Nacht der neuen Klänge" in the Konzerthaus, Vienna
1989-1991 Director of the Institute for Electroacoustic Music at the Hochschule
für Musik, Vienna
1954 Mendelssohn Scholarship (Royal Academy / Royal College of Music)
1956 Fellowship of the Fondation Européenne de la Culture
1957 Associate of the Royal Academy of Music
1973 Theodor Körner Prize
1978 Würdigungspreis für Musik Austrian Federal Ministry of Education
and Art
1981 City of Vienna Prize for Music
1992 Großes Silbernes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik
1994 Honorary membership of the Society for Electroacoustic Music (GEM)
1953 Berlin, International summer courses for new music Darmstadt
1955 Baden-Baden, ISCM-festival
1956 and 1960 Cheltenham Festival
1960 Württembergische Staatsoper Stuttgart
1961,1964 and 1965 Festival Hall London
1964 Genf, Lausanne
1965 Landestheater Hannover
1966, 1969 and 1983 Vereinigte Bühnen Graz
1968 Theater an der Wien
1969 St. Louis/USA
1972 Santiago de Chile
1972-1978 National Opera Belgrad
1976 Wiener Festwochen
1979 Seoul
1982 Staatsoper Wien
1984 Salzburger Festspiele
1986 Madrid
1991 Festival de Paris, Contemporary Music Festival Huddersfield
1994 Barbican Centre London
1995 Wien modern
1997 Kattowice
1998 Linz: Francis Burt days (Brucknerhaus
BBC, Staatstheater Kassel, Manfred von Mautner Markhof, Wiener Symphoniker,
Ensemble 20. Jahrhundert, Maximilian Melcher,
Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Wien
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